
Hello and thanks for stopping by!  My name is Tami.  I'm a 40-something wife, mom to two GREAT girls (ages 10 and 13), a former second grade teacher and currently a special education aide who lives in Wisconsin.

I have been sewing for most of my life.  My  mom was a quilter and crafter when I was growing up, and she was my first teacher, in many, many ways.  She was also my 4-H leader.  Through 4-H, she and I, and countless other girls in our club, explored sewing, crafting, cake decorating, flower arranging, quilting and many other forms of creativity that I still enjoy today.

Like many other quilt bloggers, I stopped sewing for a while when my girls were very young.  But, as they grew, and as I stepped away from my full time teaching position in 2014, I hoped I'd have lots and lots of "free time" to sew and quilt.  I had high hopes of churning out a quilt a month and saw myself getting up early to sew as well as sewing late into the evening.  Well, things haven't turned out that way.

Life quickly filled up with a new job that I love, increasingly time consuming and more meaningful activities for my kiddos (including 4-H, finally!  I am SO thrilled!) and a multitude of other wonderful things.  Our lives are full, and happy and busy, but...so much for free time!

I am learning how to balance life with a hobby that I find very rewarding.  I am also learning that sewing, and other creative endeavors are not just hobbies, they really are important components in managing my stress and helping me to keep a positive outlook.

My blog is a place for me to record and reflect on what I create.  I hope it will also become a tool to help me connect to other quilt bloggers.  I love the sense of community that I've observed as a long time reader of blogs, and I'm jumping in to join the fun!

I hope you'll stay awhile, look around, and leave me a comment or two!


  1. I love this intro. It makes me want to come over and have coffee with you and I would, if only we didn't live over 1,600 miles apart!

    1. Oh how I'd love to have that cup of coffee! I'd even bake a pie to share!
